Scratchbuilt T-70, 1/6th scale, progress 10-08-03

After spending the last few weeks casting track links for this monster I have finally finished enough links to complete one set of tracks. Managed to knock together a main gun as well from some Evergreen tubing and the body of a marker pen. At least now the beast looks like a tank.

Da Beast

Main gun

Nothing hard about scrathbuilding in the lagrer scales just, everthings takes longer and costs more and is serriously huge.

Thanks for looking.

Very impressive! I like it! Keep updating us!

Amazing! Keep it coming!
A 1/6 T-70 must be about the same size as a 1/16 Tiger II, no?

Actually J-Hulk my T-70 works out to about 16 inches wide x 14 inches tall by 32 inches long.(40cmx35cmx80cm ) Not a bad size for a two man tankette, I know of at least one Maus being built in 1/6th scale and heaps of Tigers! I’d need another bedroom for such beasties.

Thanks for looking,

Yikes! The 1/16 Tiger II is only 64 cm long, so ya got it beat by 16 cm!

And a 1/6 Maus??? Insanity! Ya could put a VW engine in that sucker!
I recently saw a half-built 1/16 Maus, and that was big enough!

Great work on the T-70.

So, ya gonna build an IS-II to give those Tigers a run for their money or what?

This is coming along real nice Dan.
Super work !!!

Thanks for keeping us updated as to its progress.

dude, my head is spinning from this one. i think if i built something that big, i’d have to sleep in it !
it’s a beauty !!!

Kick Ass!!!
