Scratchbuilding a trailer.

I was looking at my reference material and realized that the Canadian M35 i’m doing was towing a trailer. I want to attempt a scratchbuild, but i need some special parts. Is there a company that makes styrene i beams or channel beams? and what is the easiest thickness of styrene sheet to work with? i’m thinkin o.o10 inch.

Evergreen do all the stuff you need.

Cool. but one question…swhere do you find the time to do 718 posts? JK

He’s born with a computer else a brain !!! lol
Yes Evergreen but there was also an other brand : PLastruc but i don’t know if it still exists.
Any information?

I’ve still seen lots of Plastruct in many hobby stores. Check out the ones that carry lots and lots of train supplies. They have all kinds of goodies we armour nuts can use.