Scooter gets decals

After tightening up the edges of the camo, I painted the red and black areas and glossed the aircraft with Future. I used the kit decals, and they went on beautifully. This is such a NICE kit !

This is Hasegawa’s 1/48 A-4N Skyhawk, in Israeli Defence Force markings. I’m building it for a customer (hence the non-WW II subject) of mine. You can see the previous progress pics here:

Thanks for letting me share it with you !

Nice clean build. Very good paint job. Excellent job.

That looks really nice Pixilater! I have a spud to do camo on, and I am going to be trying it with my airbrush, hopefully it will turn out as good as yours… doubtful, but I have something to shoot for [:D] again, nice build and very nice paint!

Looks better all the time Pix. Very nice build.

Regards, Rick

Looks great Pix, love the Israeli camo.


awesome job, Pix!

Beautiful work. Your customer will be very pleased.

Is this your first non-WWII aircraft?

Thank you berny, eizzle, Rick, Jerry, Jason, and wooverstone !

eizzle - the best advice I can give about painting freehand camo schemes is to experiment with your airbrush. For this type, a double-action will give you more control. Try different mixing ratios and pressures. I spray the outline of each area about 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the model’s surface. I also tend to use a lower pressure (sometimes as low as 9 psi). I also paint very slowly, doing small areas at a time.

Jerry - these colors and shapes could almost make me want to build aircraft other than WW II. Almost . . .

wooverstone - Before I had a computer and could buy on-line, I built just about anything. About ten years ago I decided that 1/48 WW II aircraft were what pleased me most to build. In the last 10 years, my only non-WW II builds were Olimp’s 1/72 Jenny and Eduard’s 1/48 Bell X-1 ProfiPack. Of course, for a customer, I’ll build just about anything.

Thanks again !

Merry Christmas Bill,

I used to be a bit jealous of your work…now I am jealous of the client that is going to get to put this Scooter on thier shelf! Really nice work, as usual…what’s next? I would be interested in seeing the results of your work on a Luft '46 project…

As always, Great Job Pix! Kinda nice to break out every now and then???

I am working on one of the sister kits from this the Hasegawa 1/48th A-4E/F and I am doing the F model. I currently have mine painted and I am adding decals. If you are interested, here is a link to that…


Your skill with an airbrush is exceeded only by your skill with a camera! This is a showpiece for sure, and your client will be well pleased, I have no doubt! Thanks for sharing with us, and Happy Holidays to you and yours! Can’t wait to see what the new year brings forth from your bench!

Brian [C):-)]

Thanks Joe, rossjr, and Brian !

Joe - my charges for doing a 1/48 OOB single-seat fighter are very reasonable. About $150 to $200, depending on the complexity of the kit. Most people will charge WAY more than that.

rossjr - nice job so far ! The kit has great detail, doesn’t it? The wheel wells are especially nice, and very accurate. This one is OOB, with a True Details resin seat. I painted the instrument panel and consoles.

Brian - I have a great camera (Canon PowerShot G5), and I’ve had a few semesters of photo. The customer is pleased with the build. Here’s a little peak at what I have lined up for next year: I also have three Corsairs (2 HobbyCraft FG-1Ds, 1 Hasegawa F-4U-5) and a HobbyCraft P-51D that will be built for a customer to represent aircraft from the 1969 “Soccer War.” Nice camo schemes, and different markings for these Warbirds. It should be interesting. I also just received Classic Airframes’ Sm 79 Spaviero. What a kit ! I can’t wait to build it !

Thanks again !

Hey, did I let you share it with me???:stuck_out_tongue: Nice job.


Pix, you do it JUST RIGHT ! That is as good as a camo job as I have ever seen, simply put. (Don’t tell MusicCity or Swanny!)

I’m flaggerbasted…flafferbasgetd…ah, heck, GREAT JOB!

(I gotta quit drinking and going out on the forums!)

Thank you rudy and MA Cooke !

I really enjoyed painting this camo. The colors and shapes, and the lines of this bird go well together. It’s almost as much fun to paint as Luftwaffe camo. Almost.

Thanks again !