I have just rechecked all the calculations and part numbers. The only error was the one Gigatron found: In 1/32 scale, the part number for .50 cal. should be HTX-22R, not HTX-27R. (Okay, so my name is Liz Dexia—youse can call me Dizzy… [8-]) I have corrected the table, below.
Sorry for the error. If you, or someone you know, has downloaded the table, please let them know of the correction.
BTW: I will have a new table listing outside diameters as well in the near future.
Also, Small Parts now has a limited selection of heavy wall tubing that might be useful in the larger scales.
Here are the scale equivalents for Small Parts hypodermic tubing, taken from the measurements given in their online catalog. I hope I did the math right…[D)]
Where two numbers are given, the one underlined is closest. Since scale and
true I.D. don’t always match, I chose the nearest smaller tube, as
wall thickness is already too large for scale, most times.
1/72 Scale
Caliber Gauge True tube I.D. Scale I.D. Part No. #304
pitot 25, 31 HTX-25R, HTX-31R Sleeved
0.30 33 0.00400 0.00417 HTX-33R
0.50 29 0.00700 0.00694 HTX-29R
20 mm 26 0.01000 0.01094 HTX-26R
25 mm 23 0.01300 0.01367 HTX-23R
30 mm 22 0.01600 0.01640 HTX-22R
1/48 scale
pitot 21, 25, 31 HTX-21R, HTX-25R, HTX-31R Sleeved
0.30 30 0.00600 0.00625 HTX-30R
0.50 26 0.01000 0.01042 HTX-26R
20 mm 22 0.01600 0.01640 HTX-22R
25 mm 21 0.02000 0.02051 HTX-21R
30 mm 20T, 20 0.026, 0.023 0.02461 HTX-20R THIN WALL= HTX-20T
1/35 scale
0.30 27 0.00800 0.00857 HTX-27R
0.50 23 0.01300 0.01429 HTX-23R
20 mm 20 0.02300 0.02250 HTX-20R
25 mm 19 0.02700 0.02812 HTX-19R
30 mm N/S 0.03800 0.03375 HTX-051R not standard gauge
1/32 scale
pitot 22, 28 HTX-22R, HTX-28R Sleeved
0.30 26 0.01000 0.00938 HTX-26R
0.50 27 0.01600 0.01563 HTX-22R
20 mm 21-1/2 0.02300 0.02461 HTX-21-1/2R
25 mm 18 0.03300 0.03076 HTX-18R
30 mm N/S 0.03800 0.03691 HTX-051R not standard gauge