SAR 1/35 Uh-1C kit

Has anyone done this kit? Is it from the same molds as the acadamy/mrc? I’m thinking about picking up one or two if they are worth it.

No, I don’t think that is the same molds. I have the “B” model at home, the company starts with an “S”. A lot of little things wrong, like the shape of the hinge line on the front pilot doors and not as crisp detail as MRC/Academy. The have the vertical fin separate so I expected them to put out the “C” but this is the first one I’ve seen. I’ve had the old “B” since before Academy came out with their “C”.

Its a pretty good kit. Pretty close to Academy’s C models in detail. A little less fine detail on some parts, but overall a good kit. Thier B model is pretty nice too, with a correct B rotorhead and tail.

The kit does not have the rotorhead for the C, just the B model…

I am doing mine as a B, and will do the Academy one as a C.

Only possible way really, as the rotorhead as mentioned before is not the never doorhing type. This ofcourse means you have to use the smaller tail fins as well.



Are you sure you have the C model kit? They also do a B model. Could have sworn the C kit had the C model rotors and tail.

Huey COBRA??? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over!

Its got markings for the 114th “Cobras”, but its a far cry from an AH-1! Still, if they’ve got an accurate B it may be worth picking up.

"Huey COBRA"

Yup, gotta love Korean translations. Their B model is correct and looks really good. You should get one.

Company’s name is Seminar.

I made this model some time (ten years ?) ago. The result can be seen on my web-site (BTW I used the famous Dragon Helo Crew on that one!).
Now that Academy made their Hueys I definitively woudn’t buy this one again.
One thing for all: the box says “charlie” but I 've been told it’s a “bravo” airframe and not too accurate.

I definitely agree with Avus on this one! MRC/Academy makes a better and more detailed kit.

But i think it is the only possible option to get a B model though.

Not too to bad really, a little crude, but seen worse (Frog fairey gannet+++)

Agree with Winnie. The B model is not that bad. Not as good as the Academy Cs, but pretty close. It is not the only way to get a B model though. Cobra Company has a conversion for the Academy C model to backdate it to a B. It may be a little more costly, but is another option.

Cobra Company B model backdate set.

Actually, when the armed B’s appeared in Vietnam they caught the Huey Cobra moniker from the 114th AHC gun platoon, the Cobras. Since the noses of their B gunships had that snake painted on the nose the combination made a nice “sales pitch” name. Hence the Bell reference to the Huey Cobras of Vietnam and the artwork of the Aurora kit box is of a “Huey Cobra”.

Chief Snake

Thanks for the info. I love this type of stuff comming across the board. Good stuff to know.

As legend has it, Bell tech reps visited with members of the 114th’s gun platoon when they were working on creating their new gunship. They were so impressed with the professionalism and skill of the 114th pilots that they named the new ship in their honor.

That is one of several stories on how the Cobra was named, but it seems to bear some weight!
