Santa got run over by an...

AT-AT! Rudolph the red-nosed AT-AT!!!

This was my entry in a recent group build. The snow was made with baking soda and white glue. Terrain was pink styro board insulation.

The Santa figure started as a Preiser figure fattened up a bit with Apoxie.

The AT-AT came from an old Ertl kit. It wasn’t very good and took a lot of work to fill gaps, etc. The paint job was meant to resemble a reindeer with scratchbuilt antlers and a red nose up front.

I ended up putting way too much time into this one – about 40 hours all told. Took the opportunity to test various snow and weathering techniques on the AT-AT. Santa alone took about 1 hour to modify. I’m happy with the results.


Hahahaha! That’s hilarious. Best Star Wars model I’ve seen in quite a while. [:D]

Very nifty. Hahaha.

I used to own one of thoes, wow, that was ages ago.

Anyway. It looks awsome. 5/5.

That’s gre-AT-AT!

Now you need to do a companion dio of Olive.

Olive? You ask.

Olive the other reindeer! [:o)]

That is cool. You should try a snow dio with a snowspeader next. I tried experimenting with snow once and it didn’t pan out the way I intended…lol NICE WORK!

I think your model is one of the most orginal ideas i have seen on here since i have been a member.

A+++++++++ i really like the smashed santa and the base logo and colors.

How about adding fur the body of the AT AT?


Now I will never get that FM Falcon, he was my only hope.

Wait, there is another…


That is a great diorama. Definitely worth your efforts.



If the “another” you’re referring to wears Cinnabons over her ears, you’d better look in the bag! Muahaha!

Thanks to all for the kind comments!![;)]


Great work. Funniest thing I’ve seen modeled in a while.

Thats sweet man, just about fell outta my chair laughing! I love to see the imagination at work!

OMG!!! That’s literally to die for!

Only thing that could make it one better would be to have the Grinch riding high above!

That is so Funny!!!

Ooooh! I like that idea! Wish I’d thought of it. Thanks for the comments Fish-Head!


Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! GREAT!

I think this is one of the funniest christmas themed dioramas I have seen.keep up the good work.