This was my entry in a recent group build. The snow was made with baking soda and white glue. Terrain was pink styro board insulation.
The Santa figure started as a Preiser figure fattened up a bit with Apoxie.
The AT-AT came from an old Ertl kit. It wasn’t very good and took a lot of work to fill gaps, etc. The paint job was meant to resemble a reindeer with scratchbuilt antlers and a red nose up front.
I ended up putting way too much time into this one – about 40 hours all told. Took the opportunity to test various snow and weathering techniques on the AT-AT. Santa alone took about 1 hour to modify. I’m happy with the results.
That is cool. You should try a snow dio with a snowspeader next. I tried experimenting with snow once and it didn’t pan out the way I intended…lol NICE WORK!