Sandy Has found a home

Well here it is all complete finally went out and picked up some figure from Hesagawa and bought a picture frame from micheals crafts and stained it luckly it had a peace of wood for the backing so here it is. Done,Complete and finished and dont any of you give me anymore idea’s[;)][:D]

Your sandy looks sweet, looks like you did a good job on thisone. Like those exhaust stains. Hope you enjoyed building yours as much as I did mine


Came out great. See, figures aren’t really that hard and add a size dimension to the aircraft. Excellent job.

Well thank you yes you where right Heavynow i can tackle the ones that come with the DML kits.

Hey, that looks good, but here is one idea, you might want to dirty that prop up a little [}:)] Just kidding Smokingguns! That looks really good, and the crew figures just set it off and give it that much more life! Great job, so when are you gonna come down here and finish mine up for me [:-^]

Ha HA Dream on my friend dream on i got an idea y dont you fiish it[:D][(-D]

Now wouldnt that be come up here not down here besides i hate the darn snow.[:)]

She looks right at home. Looks good. Good job.[tup]


[(-D] Heres a thought on that, it ain’t gonna happen! Its against my religion to actually finish a kit.

Yeah, your right, it would be come “up” here, but don’t worry, its almost 60 out this morning with thunderstorms, hey now that would be diffrent, rain! Let me explain, its the same stuff that comes out of your faucet or shower, only this falls from the sky[(-D] Incase you didn’t know, seeings how you live in a desert and all[:P] I’m just playing around Smokingguns, your spad looks great!

She’s a real beauty. Super job on this one!

Hey man can you get a close up of some of the crew? they look awesome!

Nice Job. She looks right at home on that base. I ve always liked that ac. If I ever build a it will probly be that one. keep up the good work.


Thanks for lookin guy’s i probubly could not have done it with out this fourm and all the people on it.

Looks great Smokin you came a long way with this project. That is the Tamiya Sandy kit if I remember right. Thinking about getting it myself

RadMax8 hers the link

That’s a mighty fine Sandy you’ve got there. I like the camo job she’s sporting and the decking it’s sitting on looks well worn. Definitely one you can display with pride. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thank you LemonJello