Sandbag question?

Im currently trying to scratch build sand bags and sand bag rails for my M4A1(76) and i was wondering if i could get some reference photos. I cant get a book (parents wont take me out) and the photos i find anrt of best quality. So i was hoping you guys can help me get some side and top pics of a sherman with the sandbags on. I did check out the Caliope Sherman and that gave me a good idea of size.

Thanks in advance

I dont have the exact reference photo of what you asked, but hopefully this link will kinna help you out in making those sandbags.


thank you that sure does help.

Something to remember is that oftentimes modellers make their sandbags look like stuffed pillows. Instead I’ve heard that bags were only about 2/3 full — if it was packed to the brim, they would burst more easy if hit or jarred. Something to consider.

If you want to go an easier route, some companies make resin sets of sherman sandbag armor.