Here is my Tamiya T34/76 in a winter scene with armored Russian soldiers.
Help me out with some feedback.
Here is my Tamiya T34/76 in a winter scene with armored Russian soldiers.
Help me out with some feedback.
Winter scenes are one of the hardest dios to do well. But you’re off to a pretty good start. You have a fairly good balance of kits / figures in this scene. Two thing that do come to mind is that even in winter, with this much activity happening then the snow would be dirtied up a bit, same with the T/34. The other is that the T34, because of its weight would be pressed down into the snow. A little touch up and you’ll have a very good scene for your shelf. Keep up the good work and keep the pics coming.
Wow, that snow is really good, although as shermanfreak suggests, it could do with dirtying up a little [;)]
My only criticism, and I hope it comes across as constructive(!) is that my first impression was that the groups seem quite disconnected and don’t seem to share a common attitude.
The MG man and his mate seem very dynamic - as if under fire, as does the guy lying on the snow, while the two by the tank seem to be having an incongruous casual conversation.
Having said that, what you have done is way beyond my current ability, and it’s nice to see some ambitious vertical landscaping.
Which T-34/76 is that? [edit - haha sorry missed the keyword “Tamiya” in your post! duh!] I’m putting together the Italeri/Zvezda M1943 together myself at the moment.
I like it. It works. I’m a big fan of multi plane stuff. i.e. a ridge or gulley to break up the plane of things. Makes it a very dynamic scene. Nice snow treatment. What did you do for snow? It looks good.
Again, the figures could use some more depth. If I’m missing this due to the photo then disregard. They look like they’re floating on top of the snow as does the tank. Try and settle them in a bit like they would be for real. I tend to set my figures and vehicles into the base before the ground material dries to leave an impression so that they appear to have weight. Don’t be afraid to use the ground contour to improve the dynamic of the scene. The tank parked on top of the ridge is nice, it commands the area against an unseen foe. But having it run down into the ditch or up the side of it provides for a dynamic that puts energy and tension into the scene. Something that your figures represent now.
Don’t be afraid to go in and detail some of your fgures. Make some gun straps from paper, foil or masking tape. Its a simple addition but its a detail that adds so much. Add some snow to the tracks. It will add to the weight look and sort of dress it out to go with the rest of the dio.
I look forward to seeing more. Wonderful effort.
Great feedback guys thanks!
This scene is plaster, dried then textured, painted and sprinkled with babypowder and baking soda.
As I have just recently re-entered this hobby these dioramas are new to me and each one comes out better than the next. The other dio I posted already has the tread tracks and some of the items you all mentioned in it. I hope to keep learning and building… so the dioramas I post look better and better as everyone keep pointing me in the right direction.
With that said… The desert scene I posted has the tread marks, but the diorama that follows (not posted yet) has the guns slings and other items you all have pointed out to me. Since the desert scene and winter scene “are completed” I am pushing on with my other (multiple) projects so I can get them posted. Then I will come back and “finish” this scene
Oh yeah, the guys on the right are arguing over position on the map, i’ll get a pic of that area uploaded
Looks nice!
Nice looking scene and great use of the baby powder.
what the… 2003!!!
[(-D] Sonic’s been diggin’ in the archive…there should be an official archaeology badge.
Looks good. I cant say anymore than what Shermanfreak already told you.
That’s a really good job. Winter dios are killer to pull off right. I’d say that your vehicle tracks need some dusting of “snow” and some dirt.
wow. why are we diggin this stuff up again? this aint no archaeology forum! [:o)] Dio looks pretty good, except for the way the tank is perched delicately on top of the snow.
very nice dio, i like it, great background!