"rossa red"

You guys know whats the right mix for ferraris original red?

from the primer to base coat. I usually use tamiya but any brand

would do.[?]

Your best bet, I think is to use automotive paints…! With a bit of luck, a Ferrari dealership might help you there! (I know those are not around every corner, but friends of mine have managed to get samples and tins of paint there…

I have used Testors Italian red, the original enamel, though I believe it comes in the master modeler acrylics now too.
This is as close as I have seen to Ferrari red, which was the Italian national racing color originally.
For the Schuey car I mixed Two parts Italian red to one part Chrome yellow, Not sure how accurate that is but it looks different enough to show the change in color.
For his 2002 car I mixed the same colors only 60-40 and of course Tamiya then came out with a color that is supposed to match it.


I have found that model master Guards red is the closest match. The model master Italian red seems a little too orange. But who knows ,the real ferrari red has probably changed hue over the years.

Hang on - remember there were very many different reds, and the exact color depends upon the model of car and the year of manufacture. Contact your local Ferarri club as they often have more info than anyone (they have a serious passion for them), or go to a well stocked auto paint supplier, they’ll have paint color recipes and they can mix to exact factory specifications. I had the exact Corso Rosso Red mixed in a 500ml can when I built the Poscher F-40 for a contract build. Remember, you’ll never know unless you ask

Model Car World should be able to supply you with the correct Ferrari Red you are looking for. They advertise in FSM and SAE. Good luck.

Try looking at zero paints, they list a whole range of Ferrari paint colours + years and also photos of different coloured cars.

Close to a record. Nine and a half year old thread resurrection… :[H]


On the subject of the color I prefer Tamiya TS-8 Italian Red. I have heard Ferrari uses an oxide red primer but I’m not 100% sure on this.