Ron deserves a free subcription

You’ve got to admit that he presents a good case for at least a break on the price.
Besides, if he keeps posting his comments as he “patiently” waits for repies, I’m going to end up dropping my laptop on the floor from laughing so hard. And that will cost me a LOT!

Make it stop[:D][:p]!!!


almost chokes on a sunflower seed, grins

David is looking for the alchemical formula to change lead into gold. Maybe if you helped him out…

imagines Ron is watching his paint dry as he crack’s a sunflower seed

Sure. But please don’t spread this around, I dont want to be the reason for a global economical freeze.


Take away 3 electrons.


listens quietly to soft hum of Thermaltake CPU fan whirring in the background as I stare blankly at the monitor

Sorry, Ron, but nice try. All you’d have is an unstable lead atom. Now if you could also change the nucleus by also removing three protons and a few neutrons…

Where did I put that atom smasher? I know it’s around here somewhere…

*picks a sunflower seed out of his teeth as I stare at the umpteen weapons this 1.48 A-10 can hold"

thinks Gillian Anderson is the sexiest woman on Earth

Ok,Ok, give that man a subscription. This is getting too personal. [:D] I don’t think I can handle much more. [:0] [:p]

browses new compressors on eBay

posts compressor on eBay with label of PRO-BUILT

Ok, ROTFLMAO… now that was the funniest thing I have read all day.

I can see the pic now… .its a small foot pedal with duct tape all the way around it… and a hose glued to it with white glue… connected to a plastic bag for a tank… and a 1/4" connector scotch taped to the side of it. It has AREBRUSH REDY magic markered on the side of it, along with BAJJER MODLE 10000004A written in blue felt tip. Then in comments, “THIS IS A STEEL, MADE BY SUM1 WITH 750 YEERS XPERINCE IN COMPRESURS.”


THANK YOU!! You just made my day considering I [:I] myself on the AC forum![B)] You guys are a couple [:o)].

Ron, you are wrong about Gillian Anderson. I don’t care WHAT she looks like, she pales in comparison to my Alicia!

Face it, both of you. If either one of you walked into your bedroom and there they were, lying naked on the bed, you’d probably run screaming in terror.

Gillian Anderson, huh? Okay, Ron. You DO have good taste in women, no matter what I’ve said about you before! [;)]

Fade to Black…

That girl… oh man. She is too good looking for humankinds sake!

I would overthrow a small country for her if she asked.

Knowutch mean, guy. And to think she used to be a punk rocker type with spiked orange hair…

Gotta go and break out the X-files DVD’s.

Later! lol

Fade to Black…

[:D][:D] ROTFLMAO!!! [:D][:D]
Please!!!Stop, you’re killing me!!

Gillian’s ok but I have to lean more toward Cathrine Bell

What that woman does to a Marine Corp uniform should be illegal, but I’d salute her![:D]

And since my fiance enjoys watching “Harm” she tells ME when the show’s on[:p]
