RN figures in 1:48 scale

I tried this topic in the ‘Figures & Misc.’ forum but got no replies. Before I give up I thought I’d see if anyone here can help …

I am looking for RN sailors in 1:48 scale to grace a scratch built corvette model. Does any one know where I can find some, and if not, has any one out there ‘been there, done that, got the T-shirt’ who can offer advice on either making my own or modifying other existing figures?

Thanks in advance.

have you tried White Ensign Models?

I sent them an Email but got no reply so figured they did not carry either the uniform or the scale …

They replied … they don’t …
I guess I’ll try 1:48 aircrew; grind off the airedale looking parts and use the rest as an armature on which to build up Navy uniforms …