RLM23 Paint ____

So I have a jar of Model Master enamel and a jar of Mr. Color 114. Is this color supposed to be a faded chalky red or more like insignia red? All the box art and instruction sheets show a vivid red for Luftwaffe nose, spinners or theater bands.

Don’t have a definitive answer but perhaps this color chip will help. I wouldn’t sweat it too much - just doing a google search shows variations between vendors

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Could be the Mr. Color needs a good mixing but looks similar to the model master

Ya with Mr Color I always see a chalky strange look through the bottom of the jar. Crack open the top - maybe paint a couple spoons and compare.

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False alarm, but after seeing what the MM enamel looked like I was worried.
Regular Testors red on the left, Mr. Color RLM 23 in the center and Testors MM RLM 23 on the right.