I love Tamiya paints…I have never had any issues with them except…their limited color selection.
Does anyone know of a reliable RLM color chart or mixing guide for Tamiya paints…
I found one on the internet and after mixing the colors looked nothing like the box art or the reference photographs. I ended up mixing my own, but I still think the color is a bit off.
Any RLM equivalents for Tamiya would be great!
The source I have used is the IPMS Stockholm site. The other possibility is to take your color chart with you and eyeball the Tamiya rack in the store. Several of their colors are close, and Tamiya includes mixing instructions in their own German kits, so if someone will share an instruction sheet with you, this might help, too.
Take a look at www.mundohobby.com
Go to the links page and look for Don´s Colors and
the IPMS Stockholm web page.
All you need is there.
If you’re using a Tamiya kit as jcarlerg said the instructions include mixing instructions for their paint. I’ve never done that so I don’t know how good it is. I think I would like to get some opinions on that so I’ll post another message.
You’ll probably have to mix your own if you can’t find what you’re looking for. That said…
I think it’s a good idea to get your hands on some paint chips. I purchased Federal Standard 595B which is the US Government color standards. Mine was printed in 1989. It includes paint chips for about any color you can imagine and includes coresponding FS numbers. It’s well worth the $20. Here’s a web site showing how to get the set…
There are a lot of sources for paint chips. Snyder & Short sell them for ships. Many books contain paint chips for specific military aircraft, vehicles, etc. As an example one of my favorite books is "The Official Monogram US Navy & Marine Corps Aircraft Color Guide Vol 2 1940-1949. Anything you would every want to know about painting your WWII era naval aircraft [:)] You just need to search them out.
I tested my FS chip sets against the sweedish site. I have a Sony Trinitron monitor which I believe is very good. They weren’t even close. At best it’s a rough idea.
Finally remember that chip sets are not scaled down. You will need to add white to bring it to a scale color.