Richard Bong's P-38

Just curious, was Richard Bong’s P-38 a J model or did he fly several?
I have always wanted to build a P-38 of his aircraft but don’t know much about it.


Richard Bong flew the P-38H #79 and “Marge” P-38J Buno 42-103993. Bong and Mcquire are my 2 favorate US Aces.


Thanks Scott.
I have always liked Bong, Grabeski and Anderson myself.
Is there a biography on Bong like they have for Grabeski and Bud Anderson?

Mike, there are several, most long out of print. “Dick Bong, America’s Ace of Aces” by Gen. George C. Kenney; “Memories: The Story of Dick and Marge Bong” by Marge Bong Drucker (1995), and “Ace of Aces, the Dick Bong Story” by Carl Bong and Mike O’Conner(1985) come to mind.

Found out after I posted this that the Kenney book was reprinted in 2002, so you may want to check Amazon and eBay as well as the local book retailers for this one.

Thanks Keyworth.
I found “Dick Bong, America’s Ace of Aces” used but many want $45 and more for it. No thanks! [V]

Try the often not used Public Libraries. They sometimes have good selections. Worth a look!

I had good luck finding Adm. Doenitz’s book on U-boat warfare: “Ten Years and Twenty Days” on Amazon and (run by but with many reputable book dealers and stores on it, and best of all you don’t have to have a paypal account to pay) I was able to find a decent copy for $11.00 and it has been out of print for more than a few yrs…


I found this for ya for $19.95:*listing*title

And these starting at $10.00 from Barnes and Nobles authorized resellers:

Thanks for the links Tom I appreciate it my friend.
I found a “fine” copy for a pretty good price too.

I have an interesting side story to MAJ Bong. Every year during Armed Forces Week in Milwaukee, WI, there is a big military award day. The annual Bong Award is presented to 12 different members of the U.S. Armed forces; USA, USAR, USMC, USMCR, USN, USNR, USAF, USAFR, USCG, USCGR, Natuonal Guard, and Air Nation Guard. Generally the person who receives the Bong Award, has already received the Soldier/Marine/Sailor/Airman of the Year Award from his unit. The 12 Award recipients and their significant other are treated to a military ball free of charge; a fine night of dinner and dancing and hobnobbing with some of the political and corporate bigwigs in the greater Milwaukee area, as well as members of the US Armed Forces.

Don’t forget about Bong’s P-38L. And I think I remember seeing a couple of those kits out there just for his P-38L. Maybe it was revell from germany? I’m not sure but I bet if you google it you’ll find it!

Good Luck!


My late uncle flew P-40’s and P-38’s in the Pacific, and he told me this story at least a hundred times. They were on bomber escort when his P-38 got hit by AAA and lost an engine. He was returning back to his base when he ran into four Japanese army fighters. After getting them “surrounded” and calling out for help he managed to damage one that left the fight. Just when he thought he was done for, two P-38’s went diving through the Japaned aircraft sending two down in flames. The survivor left the area in a hurry. After landing, he went over to thank the two pilots. One was Capt. Dick Bong and was already a double ace. He said Bong looked like a kid that should still be in school and was the shortest fighter pilot he ever saw.

Awesome story Berny.
Thanks for telling that!

While “Marge” is probably the most notorious P-38 associated with Maj. Bong there is another P-38L5-LO, # 44-23964 also flown by Maj. Bong. Hasagawa made a kit of this aircraft and it should still be available. Another Maj. Bong story: Maj Bong told Marge that “she is the most SHOT after girl in the South Pacific”, referring to the P-38 with her picture on it.

To do the “Marge” P-38 get the Revell/Monogram kit for the decals and use a Hasagawa kit for the model. The Monogram kit was produced in the 1960s and is old technology, that is it has raised panel lines and LOTS of raised rivets. The Hasagawa kit is new technology and fits well. It is not perfect but it is woth the little extra effort and the price.

I am also a big Maj. Bong fan and look forward to seeing your P-38. If I remember correctly Marge Bong has remarried and is still alive. She still uses “Bong” in her name, e.g. Marge Bong xxxxx. (I think her current married name is something like Drucker, but the name escapes me at the moment).

The P-38 “Marge” is on display in Wisconson after going through 16000 hours of restoration by the National Gaurd unit where it is located. Darn, I cannot recall where it is at the moment. Shoot, I need coffee.

Major Richard Ira Bong is a true American hero, and an All American, who has done more for this country than any rock star or professional athlete ever will. The shame of it is very few young Americans even know who he is. What in the world are they teaching our kids in “American History” classes?

“Marge” is located at the museum near Oshkosh… I went to the airshow a few years ago and we made it to the museum and I remember seeing it there.

I also believe that Major Bong is a “true American hero” but I take offense to the last part of your post. How do you expect teachers to go from colonization to post 9/11 history in one year. I am a high school US history teacher and it makes me sick everytime someone mentions a famous pilot or soldier and says “how come you don’t teach about them”. If you would like I could skip talking about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and focus on Major Bong instead. Sorry if this offends anyone but I just needed to get on my soapbox.