revisit an old request

I am building the 1:700 Hornet, Doolittle time. What are the colors of the bridge and ship wave camo in Tamiya acrylics? These are all I can get lovcally and don’t want to wait. What is closest? Thanks

I sold my Tam Hornet at a recent club kit aution so I don’t have the callouts from the kit instructions, but I do have the callouts from the Fletcher kit. The Hornet and the Fletcher are both in Measure 12(Mod) - also called Ms 12R.

The hull & superstructure:

XF-17 Sea Blue - should be 5-N Navy Blue

XF-24 Dark Gray - should be 5-O Ocean Gray

XF-53 Neutral Gray - should be 5-H Haze Gray


XF-9 : XF-50 1:2 - should be 20-B Deck Blue

Note that these colors are inaccurate. The grays of the period were based on a purple-blue scheme. The grays cited are neutral in tone. Tamiya includes these callouts to sell their paint (well, duh!).

In acrylics more accurate colors are available from either Testors Acryl II Marine paints or PollyScale. Look for the “should be” call-outs.

In enamels, White Ensign’s Colourcoat paints are the most accurate out of the bottle solution.