I recieved Revell’s 1/48 Mustang kit as a gift. It has markings for “big Beautiful Doll”, and for “Miss Marilyn II”. Shouldn’t the national insignia be a dark blue? It seems the ones in the kit are black.
I belive you are correct. You may want to check out some aftermarket insignias or raid your spare parts box.
Yes, the national insignia should be dark blue. I just started on the same model. I will have to check my decal set tonight.
National Insignia was a dark blue , reference Testors Model Master Insignia Blue as your guide. I don’t have a Revell P-51 to check, but Revell decals are usually a little suspect.
Yeah, dark blue but not as dark as Revell printed them! LOL
They’re blue, just REALLY dark, midnight blue. I’d look for an aftermarket set, or better yet…
If you like, I can send you some stars and bars. I have enuff to do a whole fighter group, and I know I’ll never build that many. I can always hope, tho…
If you’re interested, email me: blackwolfscd3945@aol.com
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