Primered and painted the Range Rover body and hood.Tamiya paint is great don’t have to wait long to mask!I will overcoat it with a clear coat.
Cool! Following. Just waiting for paint to start mine.
Yes I like to paint the body first!
Nice…been wanting to build this.
I’m curious . . . as I’ve never seen a Land rover with a black roof. Series I, Series II, Series IIA, Series III . . . Never a black roof.
I do like the green however.
Now, speaking of which, does anyone make an 88" WB series III model?
OK, but this is a Land Rover, not a Range Rover…
Good luck with your build and have a nice day
Monogram made a 88" Series 3, kit #2271. They usually command a high price when found. There is one available now on the auction site.
Decent kit comparable to the new 109 kit. It has the 4 cylinder engine instead of the 6 cyliner in the new kit.
I could have painted the roof White…but I like the look of the black roof!Very cool indeed!
Nice progress. The engine has a lot of detail. Great progress!
Really nice kit!
Never was one from the factory. Nice color, I think that’s close to factory. I will be doing mine in ivory, which is a factory body and roof color. I don’t trust the kit paint callouts. It’s so easy to do a simple online search for photos of whatever you want to paint on it, so that’s what I do. Sometimes the photos of roofs look more white but ivory is the correct roof color for a factory stock build.
It has been brought to my attention that the engine block should be painted light blue/gray .How they can make that mistake is a bit mystifying!
I don’t know about the factory color of the 6 cylinder engine that is supplied in the kit. Early 4 cylinder Series Land Rover engines were gray, later ones were a light blue-green nearly identical to the Detroit Diesel green, and very late 5 main bearing engines were dark red. The engine in my '75 88" was the light blue green, but the wife’s '68 109 and my '80 109 were black. The various bits on the engine such as oil filler tubes and the starter and generator were typically black.
The bell housing, transmission and transfer cases are aluminum with various covers and such steel and painted black.
Thanks for the info!nice to hear from actual River owners.They would know because they bought them new!