As a footnote to my mentioning the Revell Batavia kit in the Cutty Sark thread below, I managed to take a few pictures of what’s in the box; unfortunately my technical skills are even less than what my students think of my social skills, so the pictures are quite blurry.
The main sprues:
The strange object on the right side is the stand, which is in one piece. A nice little piece of kit engineering.
Note the size of the hull. This will result in quite a large model.
Some detail shots:
The stern gallery. Those funny chaps supporting it look like trolls in this pictures, but in fact the detail is quite nice and worthy of a careful paintjob.
This is a particularly interesting bit - the lower parts of the masts are hollow two-piece constructions. While this probably causes some fit problems it could make it easy to strengthen them by inserting a piece of metal rod.
Stern decorations.
One part of the upper deck. The usual wood detail which is raised and overscale.
More stern decorations.
Bow and forecastle.
A failed attempt at producing a detail shot of the figurehead.
The kit has some of the usual problems that come with plastic kits of sailing ships and have been highlighted in the past by Prof Tilley - pinrails, blocks, shrouds, vacuformed sails (which I didn’t bother to take a picture of). I’m also less than enthused about the raised planking detail which to my eyes is overdone; on the other hand I personally think the decorations are extremely well done. As far as the smaller parts are concerned, some are very nice (like the cannon barrels), others are nicely engineered at the expense of detail (the gun carriages are all in one pice).
The general quality of the moulding is high and the instructions seem to be sound. Overall I’d say that the kit is worthy some effort and can result in a very nice model