Revell 1/72 Shuttle stack w/boosters and ET

The Revell 1/72 Shuttle W/Boosters and ET–Searching for this elusive monster. Sources? Willing to buy or trade for.


That particular model has been out of production for quite a while. The only place I’ve seen it recently is on ebay, but it’s going for a fair amount, usually $100+. All I can say is good luck.


Heh. I wanted one too. I just bought one at my local hobby store on Weds by total fluke - they had it on the shelf.
Sorry, don’t want to sell - just brag! :slight_smile:

Actually, the one I really want is the 1/144 scale shuttle complete with pad/tower from the mid-80s. I was a youngin’ then and couldn’t afford the $100 it cost. I would love to see Mono/Revell re-release that one!

I have that very kit. Unfortunatly, I built the tower when I was young and never did the rest of it. I have the rest of the kit (tank, boosters, shuttle & crawler) but the tower has long since been thrown out …at least that’s what I’m assuming.