Revell 1/32 Tornado ECR "Tigermeet"

The Instructions don’t give any tamiya or model master paint numbers for the the colors, can any of you guys give me a hand here??

how about this then, which tamiya or model master paints do i need for the following:

Sea green

light grey (revell 371)

grey (revell 374)

lufthansa yellow??

also, as far as i can find, revell olive grey (66) is normal olive drab and its listed as the cockpit color for the tornada, is this correct?? ive been searching all over for these answers and i cant find them anywhere so far

I can’t help you with equvalencies to Revell paint renge colours, but I can definitely tell you not to paint a Tornado cockpit olive drab.

Any picture I’ve ever seen of a Tornado cockpit has the general tub area in a light gull grey colour and the instrument areas and placards black.

can anyone else help with the colors and thanks upnorth

Or if anyone knows of a link or two to other builds where colors are given, that would help too, i have been searching high and low for 3 days and i cant find anything

I’m sure it won’t help at all for the tiger stripes, but this may help with the underlying grey camo.

Thanks a lot Phil, having the FS numbers will help me figure out the greys that I need for the cocpit and the outside camo, which is turning out to be a huge problem so far, they list a lot of different greys with only the revell referene numbers