Revell 1/32 scale f-14 decals

Does any one know a supplier of 1/32 scale decals for F-14. Specifically the Jolly Rogers?

Check out Custom Aeronautical Miniatures ( They have a set, 32-107, for a F-14B of VF-103 for $12.00. While I have not used this specific set, I have had good luck with their 1/48th decals for various F-4s.
Good luck and happy modeling.
Dick McC

Check out aplace called R C hobbies. I think they have web site.If not try
Eagle Strike Production, in Miami AT (305-285-7219) .The Jolly Rodger is very
comon and should be avalible.

I must say excellent choice of decal schemes! I’m planning on building the Jolly Roger’s f-14 in 1/48th sometime soon. I’ve got everything but the kit (hasegawa) which I should see in the next week or so.

I’d love to do the 1/32 scale version someday. Please let us know how it turns out.

The only decals in 1/32 that I know of for VF-84 Toms were made by Microscale MANY years ago. They’ll be hard to find nowadays. Model shows may be your best bet but…

I normally don’t like to promote other forums on this one (because many of the folks on those other forums are not as civil as most of the folks here) but you may want to try Hyperscale, on their “Plane Trading” page. Follow this link and click on “Discussion Forums”:

HEY TOAD! I happen to like milk VERY much and I don’t drink! What are you tryin’ to say? [:p][;)]

Fade to Black…

…that you are a girly-man! :slight_smile: