I have a Revell Henry J model that was sitting on the shelf. The Goodyear Blue Streak slicks have a real ragged parting line right down the middle. The mdel is coming along real well, but I dont want to ruin the tires removing the parting line. I would love to hear from all the experience out there. Thanks.[8D]
I’ve had great results just using NEW 600 grit sandpaper to remove the mold parting lines by hand sanding. If the tire is solid enough I make a mandrel to put into the chuck of my cordless drill to hold the tire, then turn on the drill and apply the sandpaper to the spinning tire. I’ve not come across any tire that can’t be improved using these techniques.
Lee Tree
leemitcheltree’s idea really works well, plus, it makes great worn-looking slicks! Don’t go too fast, though, or they melt. Trust me on this one…
I use a similar idea, but I do it by hand with 320-400 grit paper. More work, and more time consuming, but less likely to have problems. Makes for very realistic tire wear,
Thank you fellow modelers, I remember trying something like that years ago, but didn’t want to procede without some experienced advice.
Put the tires in the fridge for the night ( freezer ) before startin’ to sand them…It ’ ll help A LOT !
’ ve a nice day…!