Remember way back when.....

When the first talk of the backwards build started I asked a buncha questions about tiger kits and you all helped me out. Then I started talkin about it being my first ever tank kit and getting the colors and stuff. Then… I said I’ll do hand zimm on my first tank and asuf said if I did that he would make the perfect 109…’

Well here she is folks… a little worse for wear from travelling to my inlaws and back.

My Tiger 1

Laugh away, I am very happy with my first tank ever… hand zimm and indies.


Very brave indeed tackling hand zimm on your first tank ever…I have a feeling that ausf is in for a surprise. Thanks for sharing your first effort with us Jeff, you have gone one step further on your first attempt than many of us who are still fearful of this unknown with our builds. For that reason alone I won’t laugh at your results. [tup] [;)]

Great job, Jeff !

Looks good. Congratulations - Welcome to the darkside

I see you lurking Ausf…

Whoo Hoo Jeff, good for you. Remember I’m no expert here. First off you did a great job constructing the indy tracks. Paint job is nice and the wash was helpful. I’ve never really tried zim, but yours looks a bit thick. I’m guessing maybe you used a screwdriver. That didn’t work for me, I should have used a razor saw or Tamiya’s zim tool.Now to some constructive observances(have to watch my lingo LOL). The tops of the tracks should have a drybrush of silver ( I use metallic grey) and the edges as should the tools and tow ropes. I figured it’s been in combat and therefore the tip of the gun barrel should be black. The tank could stand a bit of drybrushing on all the high points. All in all, a respectable first tank. Oh can’t you wait to shoot down my Nick?

Thanks Tiger. Most of this I have come to learn since then hanging out here with you guys. I appreciate your well put and thought out constructive crit. As for making a realistic tank I can only get better, but this one no matter how it looks to the guys who really make these things (that being you all), she’ll always be my honey.

Hey you pick up fast. That’s what is all about, making it to YOUR satisfaction. Some of the purists prefer their vehicle slathered in mud, but I just haven’t been able to do that yet. To each their own. Now, when are you getting that Sturmtiger?

Heh I am doing another Tiger 1 first for the plane/tank build. I’ll do the Sturmtiger next, still researching it.

This is embarrasing. I consider myself as a blue-blooded armor guy and here I am staring at an A/C guy’s first armor a Tiger no less with Zim made from putty. Something that I was not brave enough to do on mine (I inscribed the zim on the plastic for convience using a knife). Although I may say that the the zim looks a bit thick and the lines should have been finer, I give my 2 thumbs up (sorry I only have two) for your efforts (and I am not saying that it looks bad.)

Tackling the indies on the first armor is also something commendable.

Good job Jeff.

Man I need to try Zim from putty soon.

Jeff, that is a fine effort! I think you did a superb job on the indies. Very nice, smooth sag. I admire your courage in tackling the zimm, too! I’ll admit that I have yet to try any zimm techniques at all, so my hat’s off to you.
Ya did good!

No doubt you did a SUPER job for a first build and a difficult one at that. Lock her in a glass box and show here off in 20 years…

You’re a braver man than I, Jeff. I’ve stared into the eyes of the 1/72 Revell 109, turned and ran. Live to fight another day and all that. Life’s too short to build a kit that bad. Especially with PE and resin. I could build a better Messerschmidt with balsa and tissue and have a lot more fun.
Indies are tough enough, but hand zimm is the K2 of Armor. I’m still working on a formula so I can give it try. Solid build all around, you should be proud. Nice kitty.

Thank you all for your kind words. Can’t wait to get started on Kitty #2 but I have this first…

Once I get all that done(plus get a payday in there to get my kit) I’ll be making another for the tank barrel plane prop build… which starts very soon.

I applaud you for your effort woodbeck. [:D] You actually did very well with those indy tracks…something I refuse to do to this day.

For all those affraid of doing Putty Zim…suck it up!!! Or wait for my step by step article on in a few weeks. [;)]



Heck Moses (Rob), zimming is as easy for you as is walking on water. [:0] (Did anyone catch that poor pun?) [V]

Shouldn’t that be “parting the Red Sea?” [:D]

My bad! [banghead] All those years of schooling down the drain. [V]

Anyone have any 3 view color plates of Tiger 1… dont know if early mid or late so all three would be nice. Also which version is that dark gray color???

I like your Tiger Jeff, and good on you for jumping in and challenging yourself. Hope to see you dabble in some more Armour.

Good luck on that funny looking thing with the spinny bit at the front.

Early Tigers came in that Dark grey, Jeff. No zimm for those kittys either.