reference materials please?

I really wish FSM would include reference material. Photos, blueprints, camo diagrams, unit designation trees, anything. I know this might come a bit too close to “educational material” for some but you open up just about any modelling magazine (especially aircraft) and half the pages are filled with things of this nature (most notably the paint scheme illustrations) while all i ever see in FSM is the half page blurb with the one photo of something historically significant at the very end of the mag. the small bit of history is nice without getting boring and everything but it’s not really helping me with much of anything. I’ve got an aircraft modelling magazine with a fold-out center section of hurricane blueprints so detailed i could probably build a full-sized replica. (maybe i’ll make it 1/2 scale and power the thing with the motorcycle engine sitting in my basement. crash-landing it in my back yard would beat dealing with traffic any day.)

All i see in FSM at the moment is basically kit reviews and build showcases. nothing wrong with that and plenty of useful tips. quite useful to know the quality of a kit you may wish to build but it’s starting to lose it’s appeal for me personally since at this point i’m more interested in the subject matter rather than the details of the kit as it comes out of the box. i’ve got a lagg-3 that’s mostly putty held together with curse words. I may or may not be an acceptional case but consider this: you must do at least some research before starting on a build. even if you go with the polka dotted tank the instructions tell you to make, you might still try to find a reference for it in some literature or check if the kit is accurate for that variant. why not publish some of these findings? a nice diagram of the paint scheme you used and maybe of some you didn’t would be great. Run across a picture of Rommel taking his pet Panther G for a walk? I’d love to see it.

In my mind, this would improve the magazine immensly. Even if you were to go with all very basic builds, the mag would still be very useful since even an expert modeller could always use more reference material. And i know you can do this, i’ve got an old issue from the early '90’s (which i bought a few months back for the su-76 plans). I will periodically buy a new issue of FSM but usually end up disappointed after it loses it’s appeal once i page through all the model photo pages. the only issues that i ever get lasting utility out of are the one with the how-to’s, ie the resin casting article. on the other hand i keep a pile of other mags and walkaround-type material around my desk for the detail subject photos (“four! four biu-teeful rivets! ah ah ah!” [:)]). If things keep going this way for much longer, i’m afraid i’ll have to abandon FSM completely which i’d rather not do since it’s still probably the best domestic modelling mag and i’ll admit i’m attached to it.

anyway, that’s enough of my ranting. anyone else that’d like to see more quasi-educational material?

I agree with that, I subscribe to the new Model Aircraft International from the UK, and they have excactly that, mulitple color schemes and often reference photo’s of the real plane. Granted, the thing cost double what FSM costs subscribtion wise. But a such a move would add immense value to the magazine. If I recall, some reader just recently mentioned that older issues of FSM had scale drawings.