Ready to finish 1/144 flight line starting pic

Well been off building due to my mother being ILL but now that she is better I am getting back to work on this B17 ground setup .

Tried to make a pic so there was something in there for scale.

I will post more when I get done [8D]

Beautiful work, Stindle! [:)]

Where did you get the 1/144 figures?

Thanks for posting!
Take care,

The plane is 80% done still need to put her guns on her and the rest of the glass. I am also scratch building bombs and trying to make a bomb hauler ( so far thats been a bust) The figures I found at :

I am starting to paint them this week.

I added the 1/35 scale figure so the size could be seen on the figures.

I will post more pics when I have more done.


great build stindle. cant wait to see it done. give us some close ups of the plane when its finished will ya?..