Questions about Dremel Tool

Do these come in sets or how do you go about getting them with the attatchments you need. And what is the usual price for one? Thanks!

Yes they do come in sets… Here is the Dremel Web Site:

Try looking at Home Depot:

Or Lowe’s:

They have good prices, and you can see what the kits have. I like the corded variable speed Dremel, with the Flex-i-Shaft. I use the chuck with drills, and the High Speed Cutters the most.

Some people like th ecordless ones better…

The Dremel Mini-Mite is a great starter. You can find it for around $40 or so if you shop around. It has two speeds and a rechargable battery and comes with five accessories. I used it for nearly ten years before I stepped up to the Dremel Multi-pro, but I still occasionally use the Mini-mite.

I don’t know where you are… but just today I saw that Lowe’s hardware had the Mini-Mite on sale for $25!!


Also if you can get to a Sears Store their tool department carries Dremel As well as an inexpensive version of their own brand of moto-tool. Sears also carries the various bits in various packs such as a polishing kit with bits,small polishing wheels large polishing wheels and compound. They also have cutting,sanding, etching,engraving, etc. kits.

Because of this thread, I just bought one today… ordered it online through the website.

92 total… 79.95 plus other odd charges.

Price CLub/Costco has a great accessory set for $28 and Home Depot has a smaller one. Dont buy bits etc piece meal, you;ll go broke.