Question(s) on Tamiya's 1/48 scale armour

Are the treads in individual links? I have some ICM kits I’ve been dreading to build because of all the individual tracks, it just looks like a receipe for disaster, or at least a nervous breakdown.

Any chance at seeing some built-pics of the 1/48s?

Any tips/tricks I might need to know if I was going to build one? I know Tamiya’s 1/32 Armour is top notch as far as part quality goes, so it’s safe to presume the same for the 1/48?


Haven’t built any of Tamiya’s 1/48 armour kits but I believe that the tracks are “length and link” format.

There are many reviews on PMMS

As stated, they are length and link where there are preformed “runs” for the straight portions and several individual links to connect the runs and work around the sprocket and idler wheel. A neat thing about Tamiya link & length is that the sprue has a portion that is a jig to connect the tracks in the proper shape. They are actually quite simple to build and much easier than the exact same kit in 1/35 scale.

Here ya go:

This is a Tamiya 1/48 M4A1 I just finished, built with bits from Hauler and Voyager PE sets, a FineMolds barrel, and stowage from Tamiya’s 1/48 jerry can set.

The kit was a breeze to build, with the only trouble being a sloppy fit of the diecast lower hull to the rear hull plate and idler mounts. Nothing a little putty couldn’t fix, of course!

The link/length tracks are a breeze, and shouldn’t present a problem for modellers of any skill level.