About 5 years ago I got duped into believing That old Tamiya 1/48 falcon kit was going to be decent. Boy! have they come a long way since those early kits! Anyway, after that upset I’m now ready to try the falcon again…anyone know who makes a decent 1/48 or i’ll even settle for a good 1/72 kit?
I second that answer. I believe that the Revell kit is from Germany. Great little kit. Any of the Hasegawa offerings are good in 1/48. But be ready to add some detail to the cockpits. They are on the sparse side.
I’m building the Hasegawa 1/72 two seat F-16 right now, and i think it’s quite good. The cockpit is a little lacking (instrumentations is a decal), but other than that, it looks to be very very nice. Since I’m not a stickler for cockpits, this is not a problem for me. If I find a one-seat version, I’ll build it too.
In 1/72 the Revell kit is by far the best kit, although it may be hard to find. In 1/48, Hasegawa gets the best reviews, although I have never built one.
The New Revellograms is most likely the Cats Meow in 1/72 scale, but the old Hasegawa’s kits are very nice too until the Revellograms they where the best choice, now in 1/48 it goes to Hasegawa again, but the Academy kits are pretty good as with the Italeri’s I’d say those 2 are the second best compaired to the Hasegawa’s, and in 1/32 scale the Tamiya is to be the best then the Academy and to the oldest Hasegawa’s, and for those how are looking for them for a reasonable price check out Evil Bay and their Power Sellers they have some pretty good offerings, there’s one vender (I can’t remember their Name) who been selling 1/48 Tamiya’s for about 1/2 the cost but shipping is 7.95 with a 30% for multipul item shipping so if your willing they might be the place to venture to