Question for shermanfreak...

In regards to your “Sherman Under Glass” project- did you glue down the glass cover on your case or leave it unglued??

The reason I am asking is I am just about finished with my GMC diorama and have an acrylic cover for my wood base…I’ve decided I should glue the top down on it as an added protection from pieces falling off…and as a hopeful deterrent for the silverfish. What would I use to attach the acrylic to the wood-- glue? caulk?.. thanks in advance.

Hey Jeeves

Yes indeed I glues that baby down … on top of some of the reasons that you listed, it adds protection from peoples fingers.

I used Elmer’s 2 part Epoxy too glue the lid down. Works great. Just apply it and let it dry for 24 hours.

Is that available at someplace like Home Depot or Lowes?? Thanks again…and I promise some higher quality pics soon in return :wink:

I would thing it’s available at just about any hardware store or even your friendly neighbourhood Wally-World.

It comes in two small tubes in the same package, the resin and the hardener. Just mix equal parts of the 2 tubes together and spread it on the part you want to glue.