Question About Camouflage Manuals...

Hi all! I would like to know if there is any interest in this sort of thing.

I was wondering if Finescale Modeler has an upload area for information that could benefit all users. I have two pdfs for current camouflage patterns of the US and Canadian army. The US pdf is TB 43-0209: Department of the Army Technical Bulletin, entitled: Color, Marking and Camouflage Painting of Military Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment. It is 33 MB and sized at 5.5 x 7 with 407 pages. The Canadian pdf is B-0L-318-009: Canadian Armed Forces Reference Manual, and is of the same sort as the US manual. It is 7 MB and is of the same size with 96 pages. This Cdn manual took me roughly 2 years of red tape to get.

Before anyone asks, I do not have enough webspace to host these manuals. Hence the question about Finescale Modeler hosting them.

You should e-mail the webmaster, David Voss.

Thanks for the reply!