Queen Mary 2 models?

I’m really interested in building a kit of the enormous liner, the Queen Mary 2, but there are at least two kits of the ship out there – the Revell AG kit and the Heller. Which kit is better? I assume the Revell kit is, but am prepared to be surprised.

How are the kits? Fit good and detailing accurate?

Well, do you want big or REALLY BIG?
I’ve got the RoG kit and it’s nice looking in the box, but HUGE. I took it as far as to test fit the hull halves together and fit looked decent. I looked over the Heller kit in the shop and don’t remember any repulsion towards it, but this was a cursory examination when the kit first came out so details are fuzzy.

If you would like to see an online review of the Revell kit check here…


And for the Heller/Airfix kit here.


White Ensign are listing photoetch for both kits but I think they are waiting for sufficient pre-orders before porceeding.

Thanks for the links – I’d seen those. Too bad the Airfix review is out of box only. I’d like to see the kit built up.

Interestingly, there’s a review online of the Revell kit with a build-up in which the modeler did not paint the white surfaces and left them bare white plastic, and also did not clean up the seams – which at least lets you see how much seam clean-up there is.