Hello, I am currently building a PzKpfw IV for a scene in Russia Winter. I need to know if anyone can post website adresses with well stocked picture archives. I dont care if they are in color or not. I also need to know if anyone can tell me what colors I should use. (flat white or some other kind of white and a base color?) Thanks for the help.
Sorry, I can not help you with photos but, regarding the
winter camo, check out an excellent article in Feb 2003
issue of FSM. This is, IMHO, one of the cheapest and
most user friendly methods to apply winter paint (I haven’t
tried it myself yet, because I’m still stuck in the summer
of 1941).
LOL. This is my first winter scene ever and I dont have anything to refer to. not even the FSM issue from feb 2003. Ill check if my hobby store carrys it. I bet they do. Thanks
I use the wash method. a 30/70 mixure of acrylic/water. You want it to be watery. Winter camo was chalk mixed with water, it wore off quickly. Usa a brush, slop it on, the Germans did it with a rag mop. Then wash it with black and raw umber separately. You want it to look beat up and used, make it look like it’s gone throught a war. If you wish, take a 000 fine steel wool over the whole tank, that will give a great look. It sounds like a lot of time involved, but in the end you’ll wish you had a dozen to camo.
Can you go alittle deeper into explaining the wash method and the 000 fine steel issah???
Another option would be to paint your PzIV the base color and heavily drybrush with the white. This would give your model a well worn look.
Just a thought
Ron Craig
Thanks Pipesmoker. I think I’ll try that
I seem to have been a little dense earlier,
There is an article in the February, 2003 FSM about winter camo painting. Wouldn’t hurt to check out that for ideas.
Crap, I am dense. You did mention the Feb 2003 issue in your second post…I’ll go back to sleep. LOL.
Ron Craig
Central Virginia AMPS
I’m doing a 3.7cm flakpanzer now and just went through the same thing. I found “panzer colors III” by Squadron/Signal had tons of good winter camo shots and explainations on application methods( mostly on Tigers, but some PzKpfw IV’s also). Mostly black and white, but the patterns and wear show up excellent.
I decided to do mine with a flat white base coat (enamel) followed with a black -gray wash, then a very blotchy white dry-brush. It takes a little practice, but it’s starting to look like what I had in mind when I started. Hope this helps.