Pyramid constructs

Hello everyone. It’s been a while. I have a question and I’m pretty sure someone out there can help me. I’m a docent at the anthropology museum here, and we’re doing an Egypt exhibit, well we’re trying to put one together. Of course, no Egyptian exhibit is complete without pyramids, and I was wondering: does anyone make Egyptian pyramid models with cutaway that show all the chambers, or would we have to come up with our own? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Sorry I have no idea. But it does seem a bit specialized. Good luck.


I would think that would be something that you’d have to scratch build. I would think that as long as you have some “blueprints” of the angle etc of the chambers and corridors, it would just be a matter of careful cutting of some styrene.

If you do it, make sure to take some pics for us! Good luck!