Put this on your shopping list- Tristar Pz38(t) review


Sounds like a winner. Dragon is coming out with one TBD. This is going to be a good time for us modelers of that chassis. Many good variant possibilities. The tracks sound good, except delicate.

Hey Tigerman, i’ve heard that Tristar kits are excellent quality, and that their armour kits, especially the Panzer IV’s are the most definitive toolings around, the best ever! I love these old Panzers, and i’ll definately be placin’ an order!

looks like a beautiful kit of a great subject, hope its within my budget though ill prolly end up waiting a while like with the char bis1, still its nice to have a wish list.

Greatmodels.com are taking preorders for $35.70 Guess who’s gonna buy it?

That’s better than I expected and puts them on par with Tamiya’s latest kits. However, you get real nice snap together indy tracks and PE parts with Tristar for the same money. That sounds like a good deal to me.

Yes, their Pz IV’s are considered among the best or on par with Dragon’s 3-1’s

Anybody knows when will it be availabel?

Hehehe, that is always a million dollar question. Release dates usually aren’t accurate and I think they hit Asia first in most cases.

Lets monitor that Asian market then![:)]

The conversion rate today makes the 38t from tristar just under $22 U.S. depending on shipping it could be less than great models

I’m really looking forward to this kit! Can’t wait until it comes out. [8D]

You guys, might be interested in this review: http://missing-lynx.com/reviews/german/tristar020sreviewcs_1.html

I think that I am going to have to buy this kit and use it as a base model for a Sd.Kfz. 140/1 [}:)]

This kit looks fantastic. Love this design. Read the Cookie Sewell review, those shots look unbelievable. All those bolts will be a joy to paint and weather.

Not to get too far off topic, but did the Pz38(t) have similar issues with all the rivets/bolts as the M3 did? i.e. bolts snapping off inside the tank and flying around inside when it gets hit, even if the round doesn’t penetrate?

Thanks for the link Eddie. I like to see them built up to get a better idea of what you’re working with. I wish Perth would do that too.

I’m excited about the vairiant possibilites here. A Marder III H? Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait, Tristar isn’t nearly as prolific as Dragon or Trumpeter

Yes I like that new feature were you us a pin to lock the links together, I’ll have to check it out when it comes out.

Couldn’t be any worse than Dragon’s horrible Elefant tracks. I like the pin idea, at least to lock them into place.

I agree on those Elefant tracks, so I got a set of Fruils for mine and I’m much happier and still have most of my sanity in tact. [;)] [(-D]

You are lucky indeed. I received a nice vinyl set from the Porsche Tiger kit from a member. Very nice and they sag beautifully. They are currently in the works and hope to have my Elefant finished soon.

I know Maquette made the same model of Pz 38(t). Is it good?