Props? please dont laugh

Hey there

This is really simple for you lot I bet but itmakes me pull hair out

What is the best way to do prop tips , at the moment I paint yellow well down the blade them mask the tip and spray black onto the prop , but most of the time I get a ridge between the two colors & bleed under the tape cause I try to thin the paint so as not to get a ridge , I try my best to burnish the tape down .

Sometimes this approach works for me but I was wondering if there are any other methods to use?

i paint mine black(or what ever color it needs to be) then dip the end in yellow,hold it against the top of the bottle to let the excess wick off,seems to work well with no “ball of paint” on the ends

I have only done a couple prop planes, but I painted the ends yellow first then masked and sprayed the black. I Didn’t thin the paint anymore than usual, You will get a ridge or black paint on your yellow ends, I will take a small ridge. On my model its not even visable, you can feel it, but you can’t see it. You shouldn’t need much black to cover that yellow, just use as little as possible, and then hit it with a real fine grit sand paper (6000 or more) That should get rid of the ridge and it shouldn’t hurt the paint at all. Good luck!

I use much the same technique as lone, however, I don’t dip it directly into the paint. Instead, I paint the black on the prop and let it dry. Then I shake up my bottle of yellow paint, take the top off and place it on my modeling surface. Then I dip the end of each blead into the paint until it won’t go any farther (make sure the blade is vertical to the surface of the paint) and then remove it. That way each prop has a coat of yellow which extends the same length from the tip. Think I picked that up in a very early edition of FSM