With the recent release of the old PBY by Revell (in much better shape, I’ll add!)…interest has been shown in a PBY GB.
There are many versions of the craft…the current release is supposed to be a PBY-5…but arrives as an /OA-10A an carries only markings for that version. It is easily convertible to WWII versions. Also, some out there have the Black Cat version etc etc.
I believe that any scale PBY should be okay…any era…any model…some history of your choice would be a big plus! Shoreline Dios would also be a nice touch.
Any “what-ifs” are acceptable if the group agrees.
We’ll call it the PBY Halloween GB…Dates 01/01/09 to Halloween 10/31/09…pumpkin faces okay!
I’m in I’m in too! I always wanted to build a model! Maybe a blue one or a black one or multicolored! Oh this is gonna be great!!! The one thiong I hate about start dates is they seem so far off then you wonder where the time went after the date arrives! Did I say I’m in? So you got me right? PM inbound!
slighty off topic… i saw the ad in Squadron…this is the OLD mold re-release, but 'better"? Price is VERY reasonable, compared to what was being asked in Ebay for the old kit… love the craft, want to get the kit… will be following this GB for sure
I’ve got one or two still in the stash…I might have to crank out another one…it will give me a good chance to show how to mount them like this one that hangs in the Man Space.
I got one started that will be a civilian version that I have dubbed “Catabago” my flying RV.
You can list me as well. I asked (begged actually) SWMBO and she said it’s doable. I’ll be placing another order with Squadron before long anyways so I’ll tack it on.
[#toast]Holy cow Nam! You da man look at all the people! I was talking to Frank ( Way to early this AM) and he made a great point. Says this model has a reputation of being bought then not built. Just resold on E-bay for 2 or 3 times the original cost. Said that this GB will go a long way to prove that statement right or wrong!
What a great idea of yours!!! You are truely a pioneer! [oX)]
Thank you all for the great early response! Very nice indeed![tup]
I was swindled and mildly pressured into this by two great ‘Pals’[(-D]
Frankie and Aaron…I’ll do my best to make you proud! ([XX]
JMart: If it is an exact release it sure looks much better in this gray plastic than the old ‘softish’ metallic gray color of my own 70’s build. Welcome!
Gerald: Your techniques and help are always appreciated!
Tacan: I personally have no problem with starting from a partial build! This isn’t a contest. Just try not to dust it off until the New Year! (I shall assume my place as benevolent dictator of this GB and use my power as I see fit![(-D])
Roadkill: Thanks and welcome! You might check Tower Hobbies also…the price is probably comparable, though.
Tlivancso: Welcome aboard! Have fun!
Warhammer: Thanks and have fun!
I will post a thread in the GB Forum in the next couple days as interest here levels off. (Thanks for the extra paperwork Pals!)
Send kit manufacturer and scale and hint toward version, please!
[#welcome] Josh! This one doesn’t go a year…but it IS 10 months! I believe it would be a good idea to employ wives and GF’s to enter and build! (Make them buy their own tools and kits!)[(-D]
I’m going ahead and post the GB thread…so look there vets of this GB. Again **Frank and Aaron…**Thank you for the paperwork!
UPDATE:…The GB Homepage is up and running with an even dozen entries! More than a couple months until Build Start…always looking for more!
The Revell re-release is a fine and reasonably priced kit in 1/48! Many entrants have or are getting various 1/72 kits also, with a great array of schemes involved!
We don’t see this A/C modeled often, so we should be sick of it in a year![(-D] j/k.
People are finding a reason to pull PBY’s from the stash!