Progress pics p51 nmf

Almost done with the foiling. Any hints on applying decals? Using Bare Metal Foil.

Sorry for low light.


Great work. Is this your first time with foil? The BMF will be worth the effort.[tup]
I would still do a gloss coat before and after decals as well.


Yeah first time, is it really that bad? Just kidding. Working in 72nd scale is very time consuming.

foil looks quite good. however, unless i am mistaken i see a seam line running down the fuselage from in front of the canopy forward. other than that looks nice.

Actually that seam is supposed to be there from my research.

The following 3 pics show a panel line on the top of the nose from canopy forward on the planes, its hard to see, but it is there. It was molded in and I wasnt going to fill it in. I guess this parallels the debate over the canopy slot on the rear of the P51D model that gets erroneously filled in from time to time. :slight_smile:'%2B"zhfgnat"'%20VA%20OBBYRNA%20ZBQR))%20%20beqre%20ol%20cubgb_vq%20QRFP&photo_nr=13&prev_id=1038073&next_id=1034327

And here too:'%2B"zhfgnat"'%20VA%20OBBYRNA%20ZBQR))%20%20beqre%20ol%20cubgb_vq%20QRFP&photo_nr=93&prev_id=0965515&next_id=0965040'%2B"zhfgnat"'%20VA%20OBBYRNA%20ZBQR))%20%20beqre%20ol%20cubgb_vq%20QRFP&photo_nr=164&prev_id=0933596&next_id=0930910

Great looking job on the build so far.

Thanks for the compliments all.

OK-- since no one else is asking-- which Tuskegee plane are you building?? The red tail looks great!!

You’re correct, that line should be there. That is the line where the two top cowling panels meet. If you are doing “Ina the Macon Belle”, let me know. I have a bunch of pictures of Kermit Weeks P-51. Check out the Avatar <

interesting, I did not know the stang had a panel line there.

Jeeves, Interestingly enough, I’m not sure its a Tuskeegee one. My Academy P-51B serial 42-106750 was with the 5th FS/52FG/15thAF in Italy summer of '44. I havent researched the history but one would think its with the Tuskeegee group because of the red tail. Let me know if you find out. There wasnt a pilot name on the aircraft.


I would love some pics. I just got back from Polk City and the Fantasy of Flight Museum myself. Got a couple of ok shots but am planning on doing that particular one sometime in the future. Do you know of any decals for this one, I havent had any luck.

My email is jamalone"at"cox"dot"net. I can send you some digitals I got if you would like. I have this one to show the group

and he (Kermit) also had this P38 awaiting restoration. The guy he bought it from had chainsawed the wings off instead of unbolting the 4 bolts. I hate to see that! Otherwise everything is original.


Have you had a chance to send those Kermit Weeks P51 pics yet? No rush, just anxious to get them!

Thanks again.

Here’s a couple of Kermit’s Tusky Mustangs. Great place BTW.

I think you’ll like these.



Thanks dragonfly, btw, do you remember what the upper surface of the wings was like? Was it polished as well or did they paint it silver to keep laminate wing properties?

I am just now painting the yellow band on my nose, and should have more pics to follow soon.


From my recollection, the entire airframe was highly polished. Keep in mind, however, this is a show bird. A real hanger queen. But, the aircraft does actually fly.


Thanks, I remember seeing it do a couple of passes over the field about 75 feet off the deck. What a thrill.