Hi Guys
I hope someone can help me. I am having problems hand brushing Tamiya acrylic paints.
The painted surface always looks rough (brush marks), because the paint dries too fast. I have tried thinning the paint but then it doesn’t seem to cover very well.
I just went to my locale art store and bought some Winsor & Newton brand Acrylic Flow Improver, but have yet to try it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks All
my Tamiya acrylics were hard to use also till i figured out that when your using them you should have minimal air flow in the room and they take a while longer to dry. also have a cup of water handy so when the paint gets to thick on the brush and starts leaving that rough brush look, you can just dip it and clean it and then start again. Works every time for me
I found the Tamiya acrylics are better for airbrushing, I would try enamels they are far better for hand brushing.