Printing Decals --- Lessons learned @ CopyMax

There were a couple of threads before the holidays regarding printing decals. I contributed that I had checked with CopyMax about printing/copying onto laser decal paper. CopyMax didn’t have any qualms using the laser decal paper I provided. I used Bell, Inc.’s clear and white decal paper. I don’t have sophisticated software tools or graphics experience. My decals were stencils I made in Word and nose art I scanned from reference books, resized and color corrected as I thought necessary. The stencils were black, yellow, red, and blue. I used MS Photo Editor, Paint, and Word. I downloaded USAAFCSTENCIL and AMARILLOUSAF fonts off the web. Following are my experiences.

My first attempt was to create a Word document on a diskette and have CopyMax do the printing. Quality was very good. Cost as quoted in previous threads was approx. $.90 USD per sheet. The problem was, they didn’t have the USAF fonts. So, the stencils didn’t print correctly. The art work was very good.

Next, I had them make copies. I printed the originals on an Epson Stylus Color 600 printer set at “super fine” detail using Epson’s Photo Quality Glossy Paper. The art work quality wasn‘t quite as good as the laser printer stuff. But the stencils print quality was very good.

I did not try any of the other print/copy centers. I assume none will have the stencil fonts. But, they may have higher quality/resolution laser printers/copies? I chose CopyMax because they were closest to my home.

Hope this helps.

Happy Modeling this New Year!


Thanks for the info! My wife does graphics but I only know about 0.0000001% of what she knows about it. However, I do know that if someone supplies her with a particular font which she may not have then she can just treat it as line art and treat it as an outline. Basically what I’m trying to say is that she can have the computer treat it not as a letter, a number or a font in particular. Rather, she has the computer only see it as an outline; a shape, if you will, and not as a “letter”. That way the computer can still print it as artwork and not as text. You might want to call around to some other print shops and tell them you have such-and-such a font. If they don’t have it then can they just convert it to line art and print that on your decal stock. They might charge you a bit more but it shouldn’t be anything outrageous.

I hope this helps!


The only software programs that have that capability are true vector graphics drawing programs( adobe illustrator, corel draw, deneba’s canvas)

Is there a web site that allows you to download graphics (or a web site that has good quality graphics to use as decals)? I have a decal printing software, but I need stuff for aircraft and it only covered cars.

OR… is there software or something that covers aircraft (mainly WWII)?

Yes I too you like to know where you downloaded the Fonts/Lettering you used
And another other sites that my have some A/C logos or markings.

I ask beacuse I have a HP 4050 Color Laser Printer and I would Love to give it a shot printing some decals as it appears you need a color laser to get good results.
Futhermore I also have Illustrator on my other computer [;)]

Try this place, several US aircraft fonts for free

I’ve a Japanese & a Cryllic, but can’t remember when I found them. Will look a bit and report back.

u can get a japanese font at, theres a word procesing program that types in japanese… do a google on jwpce. however, it really requires knowledge of japanese to find what you want, as it meant to type in japanese.

its just not normal to study japanese, is it? sorry guys…lol

I’ve been trying about with creating decals. I haven’t made my own yet, but I’ve done some designing in Adobe Illutsrator 8. It’s for the Shorts Tucano, as displayed in the aircraft section.

Yes there are graphics available on the web for several countries. I know a german site that shows insignia from various eras and many countries.

Although I won’t write an entire “how-to” section on custom decals, I’m in process of doing a tech-page on my website. Stay tuned for a week, and then find some links, hint and tricks in the tech section of my website, concerning decals.

Could you by the by be more specific of what you’re looking for? Can you operate your software to create it yourself?

I’ve put the links online on my webpage. Still, if you mention what you’re looking for, it’s easier to help…