Prince Of Wales Color Scheme

Hi All,

My next ship project is going to be MiniHobby 's 1/350 Prince Of Wales “at sea” in a water diorama.

Instead of the First Admiralty Disruptive Camo scheme that was applied after her repairs in July 1941, (every built version of the Prince Of Wales I’ve seen is painted like that. Actually, I’m kind of sick of seeing it.) [sigh] I want to depict her at the time of her battle with the Bismarck in May 1941.

I can not seem to find anything “offical” as to what colors she was wearing at the time, but seeing as she was relatively fresh from the shipyard I’m guessing an overall gray appearance in different shades.

If anyone can confirm my guess or correct me, it would be appreciated.



Suggest you look at the White Ensign Models site - they have done the most comprehensive research into naval colours and produce an authentic colour range of paints - Colourcoats - which will produce what you require. I am sure they have an email ‘contact us’ facility, and maybe if you ask very nicely…

I think it’s pretty safe to suggest Rust as her color now… But what color did she have while fightin Bizzzzzzzmark??? I have no idea… It must have been a bright color cause the Jap bombers had no problem seeing her.
Only bustin.[:D][:D][^]

Colin: Good idea. I’m going to get the “Ultimate” King George V Class Battleship PE set from them, so I can ask about the PoW’s May 1941 colors at the same time.

butchy: [:D]

She was most likely overall 507B (Medium Grey), with all decks - including wood - 507A. You’ll also need to get the Unrifled Projectile Launcher to replace the guns on the turrets…POW had the UP’s at the time of the Bismark engagement.

Thanks, Martin.

I have this same picture of the POW on my desktop. [:)] I’m using it for inspiration.

I took Colin’s advice from before wrote to White Ensign Models asking for their take on it. If I don’t hear from them, I’m going to go with your suggestion of the 507B and 507A colors. And oh yes, I had forgotten about those useless Unrifled Projectile Launchers. Thanks !
