
Hi: I need to know if I can use Krylon Sandable Gray Primer #1318 for building car and airplane models? I went to the Krylon website and that was not helpful, so I called the 800# on the Krylon can and spoke to a customer service person who appeared not to be as informed as he should have been. I asked him if I could use it for this purpose and he put me on hold so he could read the product info. When he came back he said he “thought” it could not be used for plastic and suggested their Fusion product. I then told him that the can itself says it can be used on plastic and I just wanted to know if it could be used on model plastic, but he was less sure than I. Can I safely use it for model type plastic? Thanks all.

The quick answer is yes…but…you should always test it on a scrap piece of sprue or something like that first just to make sure. Krylon, Duplicolor, etc all work great for the most part. I have never had a problem with them (I use Duplicolor #1692 Gray Hot Rod Primer). I’m sure someone here has probably used that exact one and could give you a definitive answer but I would say - Go for it!!


It should work fine, just apply it with a couple of mist coats, and then a wet coat.

Thanks to heylonghair and midnightprowler for their answers to my question about Krylon primer. I’ll try it on a sprue or cowling first.