Primary Irritation-or a fully Grown ABM


Do any of you know what an ABM is? No I didn’t say IBM! I said ABM! They come in many models and some are so large folks are frightened of them. Some are so small you can’t see them in tall Grass( Clue).

Now the interesting thing is, the smaller the model, the louder, more irritating and aggravating is the sound when the ABM goes off! Especially if the shadow they react to has absolutely nothing to do with them.

The other problem is they do NOT come with an off switch! Oh, some are voice activated but the smaller models don’t react to verbal input( They ignore it.). My point here is to make you smile. Pet your Dog and be glad you have that friend no matter where they came from.

Define ABM.

Yeah, you should come with subtitles, TB!

The only ABM I can think of is Anti Ballistic Missile.

American Building Maintenance.

How about ROUS?

Automatic burglar monitor.

Usually a small little ankle biter.

A Bowel Movement

Average Basic Mutt

Great suggestions, guys! I’m laughing out loud!

Define what ABM is!

Eaglecash-You get the prize!

In this, ABM is my term for an AUTOMATIC BARKING MACHINE! My Chihuahua thinks the world is his to bark at any time, anywhere! He will even bark at his own picture! Oh, and for those of you who missed it, The clue was spelled out in the post.

Youse gots ta read all the lines this idjit wrote!

Thanks TB! I think Goldhammer got a little closer than I did though. [H]

Going by;

This is weird. Eaglecash got it and pointed to your answer too. in my state of usual confusion I missed the second sentence of your post. Yup! You got it right for sure!

Ankle Biting Maniac
