Measure with a micrometer to the nearest 10,000th of an inch.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with an ax…
(posted prominently in my workroom)
Measure with a micrometer to the nearest 10,000th of an inch.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with an ax…
(posted prominently in my workroom)
My sign is “Measure once, cut twice” or something like that!!
No, you’re both wrong, it’s, “That looks about right … oh, [censored]!”
Cut, clean up blood, repeat.
Why clean up the blood? Wait until it’s dry, then scrape it up and powder it—it’s great for simulating rust…[:-^]
Note to self, never buy rust again.
beat it to fit and paint it to match - words of wisdom
Have chainsaw - will travel
Tools in my toolbox -
Philips screw driver
Flat blade screw driver
Vodka screw driver
Super Glue
10lb. Sledge hammer
Duct Tape
Measure with a micrometer to the nearest 10,000th of an inch.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with an ax.
(posted prominently in my workroom)
Old aerospace/defense industry saying but you missed a few steps…
Measure with micrometer.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with axe.
File to fit.
Hammer into place.
Grind flush.
Putty grinding gouges.
Sand smooth.
Paint to match.
Label white glove handling only.
Old aerospace/defense industry saying but you missed a few steps…
Measure with micrometer.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with axe.
File to fit.
Hammer into place.
Grind flush.
Putty grinding gouges.
Sand smooth.
Paint to match.
Label white glove handling only.
And people wonder why I no longer like to fly…
But it’s funny that this very nearly fits scale modeling exactly…[(-D]
If it doesnt fit “get a bigger hammer!”
As an A&P mechanic, I think I should point out the proper rule is
Iffen it don’t fit, get a bigger hammer
Which fits in with several of the other rules I learned early on
Anything can be fixed with enough safety wire, duct tape and silicone seal
TLAR (That Looks About Right) is an acceptable alternative
It’s good enought for government work
Bondo will hide a multitude of sins
When all else fails, read the manual
There is no problem so large it cannot be solved by a big hole and a sack of lime.
There is no problem so large it cannot be solved by a big hole and a sack of lime.
Only if the problem is organic. I have several nominees for that position…
“I’ve got a little list. They never will be missed.” —Gilbert & Sullivan
I thought that was: “There is no problem that cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives.”
Oh my, do I feel grim! [}:)]
Lets not forget liquid airframer “epoxy” or “20 20” I was an AM in the Navy for 20 years
My sign is “Measure once, cut twice” or something like that!!
I’ve always used “Measure once, cut twice, cuss thrice”[:D]
Tools in my toolbox -
Philips screw driver
Flat blade screw driver
Vodka screw driver
Super Glue
10lb. Sledge hammer
Duct Tape
- If you can’t tighten it up with either the philips or flat screw driver, tighten yourself up with the vodka screw driver.
- Now try the super glue and while that’s drying, have another vodka screw driver.
- Still loose? Cut it down in size with the chain saw. Have another screw driver…
- Wack that sucker with your hammer… have a shot of vodka… a screw driva
- Duck tap da thig in pace it wot fal otu. Dink som moer srew drve.
- If ya cant duck it… F__K IT… DWINK SOME MOR!!!
Hilarious![(-D][(-D] That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever read on these forums!
The other day, I had just finished tightening a hose reel at my workplace and I was on my way to putting the (unplugged) electric drill away, and I was walking through a puddle of water. A customer saw me and jokingly said, “No, you’re not doing it right. First you plug it in, then stand in the water.”
Knowing where he was going, I replied, “And if you have to work on something overhead, be sure to use an aluminum ladder.”[:)]
I’ve got a little sign by my workbench that says, “When all else fails, read the directions.” A quarter or two bought it at a garage sale.
“When all else fails, read the directions.”
When all else fails, try digging through the trash to find the instructions…
A real man doesn’t need instructions.
instructions? what are instructions?