
I’ve noticed this in a couple of other posts. The concept appears to be that you spray a dark color, black or something similar, along panel lines. Then you apply all your exterior paints, whether camo or NMF, whatever, and you should get a kind of shadow along those pre-shaded panel lines, correct?

Does this method work well with NMF aircraft? Do you thin your pre-shade color to any degree other than what you would normally do for airbrushing?


I don’t know if this will work with NMF… I guess it depends on what kind of NMF paint you use. I thin my preshading color so it’s pretty thin because I spray at a lower PSI and a smaller tip.

I would doubt it, because the NMF needs to build up with multiple coats, it will cover the pre-shade.

Use a Wash.

I have seen pre-shading done very well on NMF. It looks very nice when done correctly.

On NMF, I tend to lean towards seperate panel variation with shades of NMF or foil. Then I’ll use the sludge wash to bring out the lines. But, give it a shot and let us know