A seperate post got me to thinking (which is usually a very dangerous thing). How’s about a group build with the topic being a “what if” for a potential replacement for the Pavehawk (CSAR-X)? A few that come to mind are the obvoius contenders (H-92, H-101, H-47), but I wouldn’t stop there. Folks could even do a Puma, or anything else they thought might work. A Hip dressed in gray with USAF markings…blows my mind. What about a Super Frelon? An HH-53K?
[censored]!! Why you gotta taunt me like this when I’m so far behind on my existing GBs?!? That’s so not fair! Dude, just for that, I ought to build a [censored] HV-22D Pave Prey in Alaskan markings and skis!!! [}:)]
Seriously though, if this happens, put me down for an HH-71D Pave Merlin and an HH-47G Pave Hook. The big question is - what will you build Sal?
I’m just evil enough to go with Trigger’s HV-22 idea…make a hell-hole for the rescue winch, maybe? Refueling probe, some added blisters and bumps for added sensors. I’d have to get another V-22 kit, but it’s doable. Or, I could go the HH-53K route, if I can swing picking up two of the new -53 kits when they hit the shelves.
Of course, I need to finish up the two tilt-rotors already on the assembly line.
Heck with it, I’m in, I’ll just have to play catch-up if the start date is anytime soon.
Hmmmmm…first off Grant it would be a damn shame to end such a great friendship by building that HV-22, especially with those markings. But the sick side of me actually might want to see what that would look like.
As far as what I would build…you kinda stole my thunder. I probably would build an HH-47G in 210th markings, but I’ve also considered doing the HH-71 as well. I probably wouldn’t put the skis on the -71 so more than likely it would be the HH-47G. But it would have a “special” paint scheme.[;)]
You realize of course Grant that this would force feed me back into the game regardless of what was on my plate. Maybe that’s just what I need.
The Hormone sounds interesting…would like to see that one Avus!
Sorry Bass but I’d try to stick to the CSAR-X /Pavehawk replacement concept. Now if you wanted to make a CSAR Hind, Hip or Hokum derivative…your bench is a canvas, and the possibilities limitless.
And an HH-53K Super Pave Low X would be a must see.
What about that Bell tilt-rotor. I hear that that one actually works pretty well[:)]
Hmmm…so whattaya think guys? Do we need more interest (see if more folks post)?
Just ordered Zvezda’s 1/72 Ka-27PS Helix (sadly couldn’t find any Hormone) with aftremarket parts. So you’ll probably get to see that one, wether this GB starts or not. [:D]
I’m in. Guess since I can do what I want with it I’ll open up that Maquette piece-of-@&%! and build a 1/72 Ka-32 for USN CSAR. Never seen one with an M60 mounted in the cabin door before!
Fortunately my hypocrisy only goes so far. The most you’ll ever see from me on the subject of an HV-22 anytime soon is a profile rendering, and I’ve got enough modeling-related graphics projects right now to keep me plenty busy.
Don’t worry Sal, there’s plenty of HH-71 and HH-47 thunder to go around, especially if we do different markings and schemes. I don’t know how I’ll finish my HH-71 and HH-47, but neither will have skis. Don’t read anything into that, I’m just too lazy to fashion a set. I’m e-mailing you a PDF that you might find of interest.
The Bell Augusta BA609 could be an interesting idea. Though I know of no kits of it, one could follow Para429’s example and kitbash something similar out of aircraft fuselage.
Would it be as blasphemous if I used Coast Guard markings for my HV-22? I know that’s not really CSAR then, but I like the white/orange color scheme in theory. I don’t want to push my luck with Sal, just on the off chance that I need him to come pick me up somewhere, sometime.
How about an upgraded HH-46? Give it the Pave Phrog treatment?
That’s what I’ll go with then, I’ll call it the HH-46K Pave Phrog. I’ll just have to get another -46 kit, so I can make my USMC -46 as well. One more thing to add to the list…
Don’t sweat it. We’re equal opportunity customer service oriented types.[:D]
And I’m all for considering expanding the subject matter, so whattaya think guys? Should we then change this to ANY CSAR/SAR replacement type group build? That way we could see some white and orange birds. Don’t get me wrong though, I had initially wanted to limit it to Pavehawk replacement and maybe include Pave Low replacement. I think they’re would be plenty of possible subjects given that target for the group build, and everything listed thus far could work.
Yeah, let’s keep it in the CSAR realm, just like you originally thought, Sal. Then, down the road, we’ll all do a Coast Guard SAR group build with all the pretty colors of the rainbow!
“All right, people, look sharp. And somebody wake up Hicks.”
I had a little time to kill so I googles the H-92. Is that design a beefed-up blackhawk or the Super Stallion’s little brother? That would make a cool looking model, that’s for sure.
Trigger- “There’s some juicy colonists’ daughters we have to rescue from their…” Well, you know the rest.
Man, there’d be a CSAR bird, the drop ship from Aliens! Think I’ll save that for the Sci-Fi forum, though. Little too far fetched for an immediate Pavehawk replacement. I’ll stick with my Pave Phrog.
“I say we get back to the ship and nuke the sight from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
I think it’s a Black Hawk on steroids although it kinda looks like a cross between a Black Hawk and an HH-3 myself, but that’s just my 2¢…
I suspect the H-92 has potential to be good Pave Hawk replacement, but the EH.101 and H-47 are just better for the job. But you’re right, an HH-92 would be a cool looking model.
LOL, yeah, I was going to say the rest, but this is a family site! Oh yeah, I got your e-mail this morning and that’s cool. I’d love to have a drop ship or two, but man, are they hard to find and when you do find one, they run $70+!
“Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.”
Well, consensus around the Squadron is mainly HH-47G supporters with a few HH-71 (H-101) proponents thrown into the mix. We’re talking about current Pavehawk crewdogs, and even quite a few ex-HH-3E crewdogs as well. Kinda funny when you consider the long lineage of Sikorsky birds and their involvement with CSAR/SAR. But when you look at all the performance and other considerations, that’s where it comes down.
So…CSAR-X/Pavehawk replacement it is. So tell this Cheechako how to get this party started. Do I have to post it somewhere else on the site?