Quick explanation, how? I want to show an example of something from the web to get an idea how to do it. I tried copying and pasting, it did not work. What am I doing incorrect?
You need to put in the address of the picture you want to show. IE the picture must be on the web some where, then press the little yellow button with mountains and an arrow and you will get this:
img & /img (they will be in square parenthesis)
Then, between the parenthesis, that is between the two img’s (IE img]*****[/img) put in the address of the pic: http://www…etc
Here’s a thread that’ll help you out…
Here’s the button that Cham3I3on was talking about:
Fade to Black…
One thing to be careful about is make sure you copy the entire address of your picture to put between the “img” things. Sometimes you may think you’ve copied the whole thing, but you may have missed a bit.
That’s what happened to me! I KNEW I was doing everything right, followed everyone’s advice, but could NOT get some pictures to post. Then I discovered that when I clicked and copied the addresses, for some reason it didn’t copy the very end of the address. Once I confirmed I had the whole address, the pix posted no problem!!
Good luck.
The more pix posted, the better, I say!