Here is a tiny 1:72 scale "Fleet 16D"used by the Portuguese Navy as a trainer from 1938 to 1947.
Scartchbuilt using wood and card.
Here is a tiny 1:72 scale "Fleet 16D"used by the Portuguese Navy as a trainer from 1938 to 1947.
Scartchbuilt using wood and card.
Very impressive, I have tried my hand at making these wood/cardstock models, and this has come along a lot better than the ones I made. What did you use to paint? My paint leeched through the paper and beld into other areas. Is the wood made up in a traditional plane structure, or is it just key sections?
Hi Matt90:
Thanks for the nice words. Its a built up model of balsa, bamboo struts, bamboo flying wires, plaster of paris wheels, bamboo cylinders etc… engine panels are file card… I spray painted it with acrylics.
If you care for the step by step you can check it out here on the “aircraft board”
See you.
thanks, welcome to the forums.