Plastic Sprues

Hey Guys,
I’m a local artist in KCMO and what I need is the plastic remnant sheets from model kits for a big art project. Yaknow the piece that all the parts come on and break off as needed… and usually tossed. Told they are called plastic sprues… any size, shape, color… How should I go about finding boxes of these??? Thanx for your time, hoping you can help!!!
Mucho Appreciated
creatively, Marc

You could buy us all several kits, we could build them, and send you the sprue… [:-^]

Seriously, I’d look up the local IPMS chapter (International Plastic Modelers Society) and go to a meeting. Ask them to help out.

I’m almost afraid to ask: What are you going to do with it?


Check in your local area for a plastic manufacturer. If there is a company that manufactures plastic cutlery you would find sprue a lot faster in larger quantity.

I am going to a club meeting tonight if any members can assist I will pass your email along to them.



I agree with Triarius, I would really like to have the Morser Karl Gerat from Trumpeter. It got about 1000 pieces so you would end up with several sprues.[:)]

Seriously, I’ve built several kit in the past few weeks and got plenty of those in acardbord box. I’m located in the province of Quebec, Canada. What do you want me to do with it? Shipping price can be high depending on the size of that box. I agree with other guys here, look for a local hobby club or something like that.

And I’m curious too but not afraid to ask: what will you do with it?

BTW, would you mind deleting the posts in the other sections, we usually post only once here.

I believe if you just posted a mailing address here you might get about a ten years supply.

Tom T [C):-)]

[(-D] You took the words right out of my mouth.

Yuck[yuck] Discusting.

You just had to go there didn’t you[:P] I swear, you guys are a bunch of (See Below) [;)]





Maybe disgusting but not perverts!

I mean it’s not like we are posting the best way to make fake nose boogers to gross out our older sister from epoxy or something![:-^]


Tom T [C):-)]

that would be rolling some rubber cement around on a paper bag,excellent looking boogers

Ok, I take back the pervert remark, I will replace it with disgusting [:D]