Pictures of the MD900 Notar Helicopter

Here are some pics of some helicopters I helped design. Anyone know of models of these?

There is one at the top of the page and the other link is about half way down. These are shots of the Dutch National Police Helicopter.

This is a shot over water.

I took all of these pictures.

Here is a picture of the Geman National Police 900

Thanks for the great pics, Marine1!
There has been some debate in the Netherlands about buying eight of these MD902’s (your first picture) : first of all there were a lot of people who considered the EC 135 would make a better choice.
Also, there were questions about the extras on all of the eight machines: why flotation gear and FLIR on all eight? Would’t it have been cheaper to equip just three or four of the birds with the exras and use the other four on overland daytime ops only? The German machines have less of the extra equipment and were thereby considered a better (cheaper) deal.

I have seen one vacuform model of a MD900 in 1:72, but as I hate building vacuform kits, I would’t know the manufacterer…


The Dutch requested the floats on the birds. The flirs I am not sure if they bought 8 or if they bought a few and switch them. I know some of the radios inside are switchable and depending on the mission that is what they do. The floats are a good idea and actually work! So, I guess for the small price of the floats you can save an 8 million or so helicopter and crew.

I have heard and seen an EC 135 and our customers who eventually bought the 900 never looked back and seemed to wonder why they ever bought the EC 135. It is a good bird, but for ride, functionality, maintainance etc, the 900 is the way to go!

If you have any articles on this subject I would like to read them. I spent almost 2.5 years doing structural analysis on this bird and helping to get it certified both for the FAR’s (US) and the JAR’s. What a *&^%!. Thanks for the reply

As a side note, the helicopters as equipped that your country is getting are probably the finest and most capable law enforcement helicopters in the world today! I have many more pics of equipment etc that I can post if you like. I will put them in my photo album on my site and post the link. Might take a bit as I have like hundreds and hundreds.

But does it the pizza to your door in 30 minutes or less? Seriously, great looking bird and well-equipped for the proscribed mission. Don’t see that happening often enough.- Ed

Hi Marine1, Keyworth,

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t have any problem with the choice of the MD902’s, just informed you about the national issues surrounding their purchase. One of the things I remember was (ofcourse) Eurocopter complaining they had never had a fair chance against MD helicopters in this case after MD helicopters had been obtained by Dutch businessman Joep vd Nieuwenhuisen.
And for the arguments concerning the extra (and according to me neccesary) equipment: there is an old joke about the pennywisdom of the Dutch which says copperwire was actually invented by two Dutchmen each pulling at one side of a penny!
Although I do remember a tiny article on the subject in Flight International I do not know of any international articles of the subject. I mostly read about it in the national newspapers and one Dutch aviation magazine, Piloot en Vliegtuig.


btw: I’d love to see the pictures, Marine1!

Here is a bit of info for you on Joep, he has allowed his little group in Mesa, AZ to run his company into the ground. They are so in debt, their company credit cards almost never work! They can’t even buy 6 bucks worth of lumber from Home Depot they are so broke.

I will work on posting some more this week. Takes a little bit as I have to resize them.

By Jove,
poor Joep, or should I say: poor MD helicopters… It would be a shame if a company like that would’t make it. I didn’t busines was that bad for MDH. From what I read about Vd Nieuwenhuisen he appears to be quite a businessman, more busy however with his own financial stuff and wild plans than with aviation. If I remember correctly he had this plan a few years ago to restart the Fokker factory and I also remember that some people I know that work at the remains of that once famous Dutch company were very relieved to discover that he dropped those plans…


I saw one of those Dutch 900/902 birds at HAI in Dallas. The really are the cats whiskers, and what a great equipment fit! My only complaint was the fact that the MDH area was so crowded that I couldn’t get a good exterior pic!

Any chance of getting those photos all on a CD? I’ve got 2 copies of the Czechmaster kit, and I’d like to see more markings options. I’m planning one as a USCG ‘Enforcer’ and I think the German Polizei scheme might just be perfect for #2.


P.S. Semper Fi, Mac!

I have something like a 1000 of them. Alot of detail shots. I’ll be posting a set tonight.

From what I hear the money all belongs to his wife or is it his ex

Here is a photo album collection of the 900 Dutch and German Helicopter. Plenty more where they came from. I will be inserting those into the research photo album on my forum listed in my signature.

If you see one that you like let me kow the photo name and we can work out the details of what you want. Print or digital.

To see the above photos at my forum go to this link and select chesty. You don’t need to have an account to view the photos.